The Hamer Sprout Fund

 Become a Sprout Scout

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 The Sprouts are always on the lookout for the best projects and organisations for us to support.  We are also on the lookout for ways to help our grant recipients, whether through money or other means.


We have an awesome network of contributors who help make that happen.  We call them Sprout Scouts.


Just give anything become a Sprout Scout.  You can become part of our community by contributing your skills, telling us about projects that need funding, or coming to our events.  And by donating.  Some of the Sprout Scouts have committed to donating 1% of our income each year, but we accept anything!


What do you get when you become a Sprout Scout?


·         Most importantly, you get a cool fuzzy feeling (which is your impact on climate change).  You also get to contribute to some amazing projects and ideas.


·         You will go on our mailing list and get invites to all of our events and opportunities to come along and meet our recipients.


·         We will also select a number of Sprout Scouts to come to our grant making evening where we choose our recipients.  It is quite the event.